Monday, October 1, 2012

Lindsay Lohan alleged hotel assault: Christian LaBella ‘stunned’ by his arrest, says uncle

The congressional aide who tussled with Lindsay Lohan over cellphone pictures is “stunned” to find himself starring in the actress’ latest real-life drama.
“He doesn’t really understand why this is happening,” Peter Jessop said Monday of 25-year-old nephew Christian LaBella, who was arrested after the Manhattan brawl.
“It's a shame when a celebrity like that can use her publicist to tar a kid who has done nothing wrong.”
Lohan’s publicist, Steve Honig, scoffed at LaBella’s claims of innocence.
“That's a crock of s--- and you can quote me on that,” he told the Daily News. “The kid had to be pulled off Lindsay."


Lindsay Lohan claims she was assaulted early September 30, 2012 in a New York City hotel by a Christian LaBella. LaBella was taken into custody and upon further police investigation, charges were later dropped. LaBella has filed a harassment complaint against Lindsay Lohan.

LOHAN2N_2_WEBLohan and LaBella mixed it up early Sunday after she invited him back to her W Union Square hotel room and discovered photos on his cell phone of her partying at 1Oak earlier in the evening.
Police say the “Mean Girls” star took the phone and refused to return it, and he got physical while trying to get the device back.
Lohan told cops LaBella scratched her, choked her and threw her to the floor before she pulled a fire alarm — but cops say she wasn’t seriously injured.
LaBella was initially charged with misdemeanor assault, but that was dropped within hours. He and Lohan filed harassment complaints against each other.
“He's pretty stunned by all of this,” LaBella’s uncle told the News.
His nephew is from Los Angeles but works in Washington for Rep. John Shimkus (R-Ill.) and was visiting New York for the weekend.
“He was just out having fun, and Lindsay Lohan picked him out of a crowd at bar and said, ‘You're coming with us.’ I guess they had a friend in common,” Jessop said.
“He didn't do anything to invite this.”
Lohan’s spokesman said Sunday night that it was outrageous the assault charge was dropped, and her mother suggested the actress could have been killed.
Jessop said the accusations were ridiculous.
“Every statement has her mother saying, 'Thank God he didn't have a weapon.' Of course he didn't have a weapon. He didn't do anything.
“And her publicist is saying she suffered injuries. She didn't suffer any injuries."
He said LaBella is a “good kid” who did a little acting as a child and was shocked to discover his profile on the movie database IMDB racked up 150,000 hits after his tangle with Lohan.
Lohan is on probation from a necklace theft case. She was arrested last month in Manhattan for leaving the scene of a minor car accident.

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